What Rough Beast/ RazorBlade Candy


Albany, GA, United States
Lazy Revolutionary in permanent state of rebellion Loving Father Good boyfriend lousy Husband. AKA: Gino; Moe; Finesse; Father Time; Creeper: Sweet Ho; Unk; G; Red and You Black Muthafucka- xCon xDruggie xRobber xTeacher xpreacher xsheep xchristian xmuslim xsucker currently not quite running from but consciously avoiding the killers er i mean police. Diehard Union Supporter. Past Member of Boosters Union#704 and BankRobbers Union #919-Retired from both. No Benefits.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Life for the Georgia Blond?

I've been amazed, amused, impressed and saddenned by news of Hardbody Norris's trial and conviction on charges of Pimpin in the nth degree. With a name like the Georgia Blond, one would expect to see a bleached coiffed white woman in a stained camisole and torn fishnet stockings with a cigarette nodding from her lips and ( perhaps) a wrinkled peach tattoo winking from her derriere, black roots screaming from her scalp((as they escape the madness that lurks underneath?)
But no, this Georgia Blond is a professional wrestler who is accused and now stands convicted of forcing prostitutes ( whom he met at the truckstops or convenience stores they frequented ) to (insert the proper expression of outrage) prostitute.

Yes, it's probably true that he pimped them out. In a world where common sense reigned however, Harris would simply be found guilty of exercising an aggressive management style. He did, after all take the women off the street and fatten them up. He apparently gave them things they lacked as self employed whores like protection and regular meals and an inside place to sleep .

Let's not play games here. A prostitute is rarely without options. Rarely without a sugardaddy or Ex old man willing to take her back if she would just "straighten up" which is translated to mean don't steal my checkbook or trade my Xbox to the DopeMan. The street is a rough and tumble world (note the wrestling reference) and one must have the nerve, smarts and strength to survive with body and soul intact. The sad thing is that at the end of a 72 hour day in the life, life is about all you can expect. Street level prostitution is usually entertwined with the drug-addiction-crime-jail-rehab cycle that consumes chunks of life that are weighed in years. The longer one is in the streets, the deeper one is committed to the streets and harder it is to pull out before death and prison overtake you. But a georgia pro is not to be confused with Bambi. Bambi doesn't roll drunks, shoplift or flim flam trix.

But,we live in a society that denies the existence of gray. Either we are Good or Evil. Black or White. Victim or Villain. The prosecution has taken the position that Norris is an evil, violent man who forced these hard working upstanding women to sell their bodies for filthy lucre They were for the most part, apparently virginal naifs who were holding down the front pews at first Baptist passing out MLK/JFK fans and praising baby Jesus when he came along, twirled his mustache and whisked them off to a brothel in the woods.. They have, in essence, painted him as a slave master. That cross dressing Jefferson Davis must have exploded in his mausoleum when he heard that a big black Buck Nigra was forcing the flowers of Southern Maidenhood to dress badly and be penetrated by ....Ahhwww Lawdy Jeezus. Pompey! Bring me a mint julep before I'm overcome with the vapors. Rest easy Jeff, the government will not let Mandingo have his revenge. Your nightmare is once more disspated into the ethers.

I wonder about the prosecutor. How can she pretend with a straight face that these Georgia Pros were forced to have sex when they went out on a daily basis HOPING to trade sex for cash before he met them? Isn't that a bit hypocritical? Who was victimizing these women before they met Harris? Themselves? Are they guilty of pimping self? What do the sentencing guidelines say about that?

I saw a few minutes of "Pretty Woman" the other day and was rewarded with an idealized version of prostitution that was very popular in it's day. It was the old Cinderella story cut to the bone. Poor girl meets rich man and gets married and rich in the process. I wonder if the prosecutor ever saw that and if so, did she smile and laugh and dream of meeting Fichard Gere in a LAmbourghini? Well if Hardbody looked more like Richard Gere and less like Tookie Williams, do you think the penalties would be so severe? I doubt it. This is a society built on Apartheid. classes, castes, races. We invented the "whites Only" drinking fountain and the Indian reservation We were the model for the South African System of Apartheid and Nazi theories of Eugenics. There has always been a double standard of crime and punishment in this country. Always dependent on the racial melange of victim and perpetrator. Thiis case is no exception. HArdbody, Dolemite was in California, This is Georgia where white maidenhood must always be put on a pedestal until she comes down and gives you a $7 blow job.

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