What Rough Beast/ RazorBlade Candy


Albany, GA, United States
Lazy Revolutionary in permanent state of rebellion Loving Father Good boyfriend lousy Husband. AKA: Gino; Moe; Finesse; Father Time; Creeper: Sweet Ho; Unk; G; Red and You Black Muthafucka- xCon xDruggie xRobber xTeacher xpreacher xsheep xchristian xmuslim xsucker currently not quite running from but consciously avoiding the killers er i mean police. Diehard Union Supporter. Past Member of Boosters Union#704 and BankRobbers Union #919-Retired from both. No Benefits.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

coronatius interruptus

[Read the article: Waiting for the first Madam President] [Read more letters about this article: Here]
If for some reason decades pass before another woman mounts a strong campaign for the White House, Hillary Clinton will be largely responsible for the delay. Why? Because by treating the Democratic Primary as a coronation and not a contest, she was caught with her guard down while the no-name from Chicago emerged from the phone booth with an 'S' on his chest.She has wasted the potential to become a mentor/groomer of talent by burning bridges alienating constituencies. She has become a caricature of a candidate, the once and future Ferraro. Unsupportable in her attempts to portray Obama as unelectable. She mistakenly believed that name recognition and gender( Not to be confused with experience, since she has held elected office for less time than Obama) were an unbeatable combination.
News Flash. The triumph of feminism is that IT IS GOOD TO BE A GIRL IN THIS CENTURY. A girl is more likely to go to college and less likely to be murdered or go to prison than a man and everything between these extremes becomes a matter of choices. I feel better about my daughters' world than mine. Women cannot count on the solidarity of aggrieved parties because the grievances are institutional and not Constitutional as is race. Women are the largest group of voters in the country. Why should we expect them to form into a minority-like bloc? The success of feminism has diluted the power of their vote.
The next Female President will have the IT quality that Obama has. The word has not been defined yet, but it's quintessentially American antecedent is
"cool". Yes, she will be cool. Not Faddish cool, but Competent, confident and easy to understand. Fair, Just, Brave without being masculine. She will ba a lawyer or an executive. She'll be here. American politics is always about the fulfillment of a myth and hers has already been born in Hollywood. We need only wait on the auditions.
Hillary. IF she had only been genuine in the beginning. If she had only acted like a woman with a draft age Daughter during a questionable war and voted No. She would have been practically unopposed and Obama would have been jockeying for a post in her administration.
Sunday, May 25, 2008 01:49 PM


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