What Ferraro REALLY wants
[Read the article: Ferraro wants study on sexism, racism in campaign] [Read more letters about this article: Here]
is the kind of old guard coronation for Clinton that has gotten us Democrats BLASTED or PUNKED OUT in 7 of the last 10 elections. By her own words, Ferraro is the party's affirmative Action Baby and an ungrateful one at that. Sexism, goes both ways. Saying you won't vote for a candidate because SOMEONE ELSE says or does something offensive is equivalent to guilt by association. She doesn't like his supporters or spokespeople, so she will vote against him. Let her go.In the end, Sexism, Racism or any other "iism" that does not respect an individual's right to be judged by the content of their character is foolish and wrong. Ferraro is doing McCain's dirty work for him by ginning up ridiculous issues that take the party's focus off of the general elaction.
I am an Obama supporter. But not because he inspires me the way he does others. I see in him a bland sort of competence and intelligence that we need in government. He also has a hard streak that hides behind the smile and the humor. He has cojones. He just keeps his zipper closed. He's a different kind of man. Man first. Label second. And that, I believe is what galls Ferraro so much. He doesn't wear grievances on his sleeve. He doess'nt wear the Blackwomangreenlaborprolife tags that they issued him to facilitate quoting him a price. She is too corrupt to accept a Obama's sweeping in out of the blue and cooly toppling the staus quo by playing the game on the party's terms. She doesn't like audacity of a man who swept past the pecking order and owes her nothing. She's from New York. She wants to get her beak wet.
As a party, we have always been fairly disfunctional and we've always had to cut deals with each other to get anywhere. I say we cut Geraldine out this time but save her a place at the table in case she wants to come back. Geraldine, we'd love to have you. But we won't be your hostages
Permalink Saturday, May 31, 2008 10:42 PM
What Rough Beast/ RazorBlade Candy
- easmachine El
- Albany, GA, United States
- Lazy Revolutionary in permanent state of rebellion Loving Father Good boyfriend lousy Husband. AKA: Gino; Moe; Finesse; Father Time; Creeper: Sweet Ho; Unk; G; Red and You Black Muthafucka- xCon xDruggie xRobber xTeacher xpreacher xsheep xchristian xmuslim xsucker currently not quite running from but consciously avoiding the killers er i mean police. Diehard Union Supporter. Past Member of Boosters Union#704 and BankRobbers Union #919-Retired from both. No Benefits.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
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