What Rough Beast/ RazorBlade Candy


Albany, GA, United States
Lazy Revolutionary in permanent state of rebellion Loving Father Good boyfriend lousy Husband. AKA: Gino; Moe; Finesse; Father Time; Creeper: Sweet Ho; Unk; G; Red and You Black Muthafucka- xCon xDruggie xRobber xTeacher xpreacher xsheep xchristian xmuslim xsucker currently not quite running from but consciously avoiding the killers er i mean police. Diehard Union Supporter. Past Member of Boosters Union#704 and BankRobbers Union #919-Retired from both. No Benefits.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rumble young man Rumble

Haven't posted in a while since i've been battling my lessers in the blogosphere over the campaign and such. Here are a few of my slings and allows

Rumble young man Rumble!
[Read the article: How much will white racism hurt Obama?] [Read more letters about this article: Here]
What sets the Obama campaign apart from any other I've seen is it's relentless drive to stay on message and out of the mud. With the exception of the San Francisco "Bitter" speech, you don't see Obama trip himself with words or trap himself with the ham fisted feints that Hillary uses in attempts to draw him into a battle of aggrieved parties. She thinks she's Rocky duking it out with Apollo Creed. But that's Hollywood fiction. She's not Rocky. She's Goerge Foreman and Barack is Muhammad Ali (an ACTUAL Muslim)He's a boxer, not a slugger and he out points HRC when he can like a smart pugilist, when he can't he covers up. North Carolina was the left hand that Ali stuck in Foreman's mouth as he sprang out of the rope-a-dope. Oregon was the right that knocked Big George out. Or am I the only one who recalls the Rumble in the Jungle?
Why should Obama waste his strength contending for states that he can't win. Pride? Ego? No. Professionalism. Why actively campaign against Hilary"a chicken in every pot" Clinton in Appalachia when it would require his lying and pandering and then disappointing them like everyone else has done for the last 30 years. No Obama's skin color isn't his problem. It's the problem of those Appalachians that can't see past it for their own good.
Hilary is so frustrated that he won't take the bait that she's only half a news cycle from saying "your mama wears army boots".
Good Judgement. Cool under fire. Not the pop quiz format of Debate, But the cool processing of information from sources he has handpicked and trusts. This campaign is a machine. No more yale schooled cowboys, or chicken hawks who use the our military strength as a cure for ED. We are at the mercy of Sheikhs to sell us oil, Chinese to lend us money and homegrown leadership that wants to bring about perpetual war as a growth undustry. This is the time for smart people. For thoughtful persuasive and trithful people. We don't need anymore Sluggers. We need Ali.
Saturday, May 24, 2008 02:54 PM

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