What Rough Beast/ RazorBlade Candy


Albany, GA, United States
Lazy Revolutionary in permanent state of rebellion Loving Father Good boyfriend lousy Husband. AKA: Gino; Moe; Finesse; Father Time; Creeper: Sweet Ho; Unk; G; Red and You Black Muthafucka- xCon xDruggie xRobber xTeacher xpreacher xsheep xchristian xmuslim xsucker currently not quite running from but consciously avoiding the killers er i mean police. Diehard Union Supporter. Past Member of Boosters Union#704 and BankRobbers Union #919-Retired from both. No Benefits.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


[Read the article: A great debate about Obama and Appalachia] [Read more letters about this article: Here]
The number of posts I've read apologizing or rationalizing the 20% of WV DEMOCRATS who vote on racial (read "white only" lines) is laughable. As a Black southerner born in North Carolina and having moved to the deep south, marched with Jesse Jackson against the Klan, survived race riots over school integration and butted heads with racism in a lot of places, I have to say that West Virginians make me proud of the Georgia and Alabama whites I live and work with.
Here racism takes a backseat to enlightened self-interest money, jobs, grants, contracts etc.... Those WV Hillbillies are so hateful of a race that poses absolutely no competitive threat to them (at less than 5% of the population), that they will vote against their own interests to justify the racist/xenophobic actions/votes and use the loony-tunes arguments of proven fear-mongers like Hannity, limbaugh etc... to give themselves a moral cover. To hell with them. Keep voting republican. Keep watching gas get higher and your children keep getting left behind. If you're not smart enough to see that you're not better off than you were 7 years ago, maybe you deserve more of the same.
WV and KY Democrats may be the best proof that Darwin was wrong about the survival of the fittest. And for the guy who made a crack about people of the Shenandoah Valley not having Affirmitive Action, I've got news for you. Being born white in America WAS Affirmitive Action for a long time. You were just so used to white privilege that you thought it was divine right.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 11

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